太陽能發電系統完工 The Solar Power Generating System In CTTB


The board of the Dharma Realm decided in 2010 that if solar panels were set up on the roof facing the sun above the Five Contemplation Hall, it would reduce pollution in its alternative energy developing function. The project was expected to start by the end of last year after the construction permit was acquired from the government. However, as rainy season started, the completion of this project was delayed until February 2011. The system can formally generate power after it passes inspection.



The solar power generating system can output power up to 50KW, which is one- seventh of the electricity consumption in CTTB. By far the material used and costs of this project is high, but because CTTB aims to protect the earth and thus is making an investment. As the energy in our world is limited and is being gradually depleted, developing solar energy has become a trend and will be popularized; as a result, the cost of development shall decrease. In the near future CTTB will choose another suitable location for developing solar energy in an attempt to be self-sufficient.



Traditional hydraulic and fire power generation can no longer satisfy the needs of human beings, though the ever-increasing number of nuclear power plants have supplied more and more energy, bringing great dangers and disasters. One recent example is the radioactive substance leakage from Japan’s nuclear power plants after severe earthquakes and tsunami, which has already resulted in substantial pollution and casualty, damaged them. It also has created panic among people. Therefore to develop solar energy, which is pollution-free and risk-free, has become the best solution to the current crisis.

2 則迴響於《太陽能發電系統完工 The Solar Power Generating System In CTTB

  1. 眼見地球有限資源日漸殆盡,大自然也因為人類的過度開發而反撲,導致世界不同國度百姓遭受生離死別的事件不斷重演,無以彌補。如何與大自然和平共存,於減少甚而不破壞生態的情況下,利用天然資源供應我們人類日常所需,不啻是智慧的作法也盡一份身為地球人,為生態得以平衡,延長使用地球資源年限的棉薄之力。

  2. 看到聖城如是焉,能帶動風氣,很感動!

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