宣公上人到韓國了!Venerable Master set foot in Korea


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在這秋高氣爽的時節, 我們一行十八人包括萬佛聖城方丈恒律法師, 臺灣高雄法界聖寺當家恒江法師, 臺灣各地〈臺北、 台中、 高雄〉分支道場代表的幾位居士, 和美國道場(萬佛城、 金山寺、 柏克萊寺)的幾位居士, 同在臺北桃園機場集合, 一起邁向此次韓國之旅!

October 2, as the autumn air becomes crisp and the weather becomes pleasant, a new chapter of DRBA begins. Hopeful and enthusiastic, a group of 18 people including the Abbot of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Dharma Master Heng Lyu, the head monastic of Dharma Realm Sagely Monastery at Kaohsiung, Taiwan, DM Heng Chiang, and many laity representatives of the Way-Places from the US and Taiwan, came together and met up at the Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan to embark on one of the most reverent missions of DRBA; taking the legacy of Venerable Master Hua and extending it abroad to the peninsula of South Korea.

這次韓國之行源起於去年一位鄭居士來信要求授權給他在韓國出版發行上人講解的楞嚴經。本人先在臺北法界與他會晤後, 得知鄭居士原為土生土長的韓國人, 唯因喜愛中國文化, 自幼研讀中文。

The effort was initiated by Mr. Zhen Yuankwei, a native Korean laity who a few years ago had inquired about publishing rights to print the Shurangama Sutra with Venerable Master Hua’s commentaries in his country. During my first meeting with him in Taipei, I learned that Mr. Zhen is indeed, not only passionate about the Chinese culture but also absolutely fluent in this ancient Asian language.

鄭居士現為任職于一大學的行政主任。 十年前被教育部門派往中國山東青島長駐七年。 偶得讀上人楞嚴經淺釋於湛山寺, 愛不釋手, 遂發願將之翻譯為韓文, 並參考對照新、舊版, 歷時將近三年, 始得完成。據鄭居士說:「每天我向宣公上人頂禮108次, 除了虛雲老和尚外, 宣化上人是我最尊敬的第二個人!」

Currently serving as the chief administrator of a university, Mr. Zhen assumed an overseas position about a decade ago and relocated to Qingdao, a city of Shandong province of the eastern part of China where he stayed for seven years. There, at the Zhanshan Monastery he discovered for the first time the series of the Shurangama Sutra with Venerable Master Hua’s commentaries and has not put them down since. He even engaged himself to produce a new rendition in Korean in his own personal time. With countless revisions, updates, editing, and approximately three years later, the commentaries were completely translated. Mr. Zhen recalled: ‘Each day, I perform prostration 108 times to Venerable Master. He is my most revered person second only to Elderly Master Hsu Yun.’ With the work completely translated, Mr. Zhen’s next step was to find a publisher to make it into books.

惟因版權所限, 韓國佛光出版社柳社長不予出版,並囑鄭居士除非得到法總認可並授權,始作考慮。因此,經鄭居士的安排,雲法師、近果師、本人,和一位韓語翻譯者前往首爾與出版社洽談,繼而訂下出版事宜。經過一年來的郵電溝通,韓文版的《楞嚴經淺釋》終於在今年九月底在韓國面世了!

Restricted by the proprietary copyright protections, Mr. Liu of the Foguan (Buddha Light) Publisher was unable to print Mr. Zhen’s work. But that decision can be reconsidered if Mr. Zhen can show proof of authorization for publication from DRBA. With that, Mr. Zhen immediately started the coordination effort and called for a meeting in Seoul with the lead members of DRBA, DM Yun, DM Jin Guo, a Korean interpreter, and myself to discuss and plan out the publishing activities in Korea. Determined to carry out the work and for the next several months, both sides relied on electronic correspondence to work out the final details. In September 2012, the Shurangama Sutra with commentaries finally saw the publication in Korean.


According to Mr. Liu, “This was Korea’s first official publication of the Venerable Master’s sutra commentaries in Korean language. Using appropriate means suited to individual abilities, Master Hua’s explanation does not just target the monks and nuns in the monastic community, it also addresses a much wider audience of all age. We believe his work would be very beneficial to the researching scholars of Buddhist philosophy.’ To mark the accomplishment and with DRBA’s participation, Mr, Liu hosted a special news conference to announce the release of the newly published Shurangama Sutra with commentary text. The same story was also featured on the three main Buddhist newspapers in Korea.


The publisher later invited DM Heng Lyu to tour the country’ top monasteries and broaden the affinities with book distribution events. Also on the agenda was an invitation by several Buddhist televised channels, requesting DM Heng Lyu to introduce Venerable Master Hua to the fellow Koreans and to speak on the fundamental doctrines of the Shurangama Sutra. Overall, it was a very fruitful trip and a great learning opportunity to appreciate Buddhism as it is being exercised and practiced on the land of the morning calm, Korea.

14 則迴響於《宣公上人到韓國了!Venerable Master set foot in Korea

  1. 南无阿弥陀佛!南无观世音菩萨!南无大势至菩萨!南无大愿地藏王菩萨!南无大行普贤菩萨!南无大智文殊师利菩萨!南无本师释迦牟尼佛!愿佛光普照,佛法发扬光大,愿众生都能早日得闻佛法,早日成佛!南无阿弥陀佛!······

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