
周親蓮居士講於2023年9月5日星期三晚 萬佛聖城大殿


All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master Hua, all Dharma Masters, and good-knowing advisors, Amituofo! Tonight is Qin Lian’s turn to practice tying the dharma affinity with the assembly. If there are any places where I don’t speak in accordance with the Dharma, please kindly correct me.


I want to speak about my affinity for coming to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Without knowing anything, I brought my two sons to the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to study and this year is the tenth year. My eldest son is almost sixteen years old this year, and the younger one is nearly thirteen. Time has gone by quickly, and, as a disciple, I am really ashamed that I now finally dare to come up on stage to practice the giving of the Dharma. I am a very ordinary person, and my life, so far, has also been a very normal one. However, I sometimes look in the mirror and ask myself: who am I? Why am I here in this world? Unfortunately, I haven’t found the answer yet.


I left my family behind, crossed the ocean alone, from China, to come to the United States to study, and worked in a restaurant while pursuing my education. It was during this time that I met my husband. We eventually got married and had children, and everything seemed to be going as expected in life. However, it was my husband’s passing that helped me find the answers I had been seeking.


I remember that day when my husband left for work as usual. Shortly afterward, I received a call from the hospital, saying that my husband had been in a severe car accident and needed my immediate presence. When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor’s first words to me were an apology. They explained that my husband had suffered a severe head injury in the accident and despite over an hour of efforts to save him, he couldn’t be saved. The body had already been taken to the morgue for further examination and an autopsy was also done to determine the cause of death. I couldn’t see my husband right away because it happened to be a Friday, and with the weekend ahead, it wouldn’t be until Monday, three days later, that the funeral services would be able to bring my husband’s body back to me.


Since I couldn’t see my husband one last time for three days, and after hearing this news, I couldn’t believe or accept this reality. Everything happened so suddenly, and it felt like my mind was blank. My sister-in-law happened to arrive as well. She cried, and being so tired, her friends had to take her back home. I didn’t have much of a reaction; I just felt like it wasn’t real. I insisted on driving back home, a two-hour journey, with my oblivious children sleeping soundly in the car. When I got back home, I knew that my sister-in-law had informed her parents about the news. The hospital called again, asking if I would consider donating my husband’s organs. I told the hospital to give me until tomorrow to consider and make a decision.


I stayed up all night waiting for my husband to call me, but as the morning dawned and the phone remained silent, I knew that he was truly gone and would not return ever again. I also knew that organ donation needed to happen promptly to help others and, in doing so, accumulate merit for my husband. However, since one’s body belonged to one’s parents, it took numerous calls early in the morning to finally reach my mother-in law, who was working the early shift. She agreed to let me donate, and I immediately called the hospital to arrange for organ donation.


       Isn’t this what the Earth Store Sutra refers to as “giving one, gaining ten thousandfold blessings?” By donating the organs of my beloved husband—the most difficult to let go—to help those in need, I feel that I’ve received the blessings of the Buddha. A close friend of my husband asked me what religious ceremony to hold for his funeral. I mentioned that my parents practice Buddhism, and I follow their lead, so I suppose I consider myself a Buddhist as well.


       My parents are traditional Chaozhou people and the Chaozhou culture is rich with various customs, including the worship of many deities and ancestors. My parents are no exception and practice ancestral worship, but we also have a small Buddhist shrine at home where we venerate Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva. When discussing my husband, I told my friend that my husband didn’t have a strong religious belief. His mother was a Catholic but also visited temples with friends. I asked my mother-in-law about her preferences for the funeral arrangements, and she said that it was all up to me to decide. So, I told my friend to proceed with Buddhist ceremonies for the funeral.


The second day, after arranging everything at the funeral home, I went back home in the evening and brought out the Earth Store Sutra to recite, hoping that it could help my husband. The Earth Store Sutra was sent to me by my parents from China when I was pregnant with my eldest son. They said it was a beneficial scripture for children. However, at that time, I had many karmic obstacles, and whenever I tried to recite the sutra, I felt very tired and sleepy, not wanting to continue. I reluctantly managed to recite it maybe three times during my pregnancy, and even then, I didn’t quite understand what the Earth Store Sutra was about.


For the past two or three days, I hadn’t eaten much and had hardly slept. I tried to recite the sutras but would often fall asleep quickly after only reciting a little bit. On the third day, my friend took me to a monastery, and there I spoke with a bhikshuni about how to arrange my husband’s funeral. Afterward, I went to the Buddha hall to pay my respects to the Buddhas. I then found myself in an area filled with memorial tablets and an image of Earth Store Bodhisattva. At the time, I didn’t know he was Earth Store Bodhisattva; I just felt that he was a Bodhisattva in charge of the hells, and I believed he could help my husband.


I knelt before Earth Store Bodhisattva, crying and repenting for my mistakes, and then I prayed to Earth Store Bodhisattva to let my husband come to me in a dream and tell me if he had truly passed away. That night, when I returned home, I continued reciting the Earth Store Sutra, but I was so exhausted that I fell asleep after just a little while. I dreamed of my husband coming to me peacefully and saying, “My dear, I am leaving.”


Waking up, I felt a heavy weight was lifted off of me, and tears continued to flow as I quickly completed reciting the Earth Store Sutra. Suddenly, I understood that the Earth Store Sutra was teaching about karma, cause and effect, the principles of being a good person, why you should recite the Earth Store Sutra, and how to practice the path to enlightenment. As I continued reciting the Earth Store Sutra, my heart opened, and I was filled with joy and the Dharma. I went from crying to smiling because I had encountered the most precious teachings of Buddha Dharma in the world. The blessings of Earth Store Bodhisattva relieved my suffering, and I gained some wisdom.


At that time, I knew that letting go of everything and entering monastic life  was the path to true liberation. However, it was unfortunate that the circumstances were not ripe for it. I had a conversation with my father where I shared a lot about Buddhism. Although I didn’t explicitly mention the idea of leaving the home life, he might have understood my desire. He simply mentioned that I should fulfill my responsibilities in raising the children before pursuing what I wanted to do.


I believe that Earth Store Bodhisattva had taught me to be filial, so I felt it was important to be filial to my parents and listen to my father’s words. Later on, because there was a part of the Earth Store Sutra that I didn’t fully understand, I searched online and found a concise explanation of the Earth Store Sutra by the Venerable Master Hua. Coincidentally, my father had also forwarded me Venerable Hua’s biography on WeChat. After reading it, I was deeply moved by the Venerable Master’s virtues, and that’s why I came to the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.


Coming to CTTB feels like coming home, and, therefore I don’t want to leave.The children also love studying here. I often tell them, “You are very fortunate to be able to study in the Triple Jewel’s land, to learn Buddhism from a young age, and to receive the wholehearted guidance of the Dharma masters and teachers. You should understand gratitude.” Therefore, I am grateful to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their blessings, to the Venerable Master Hua for his teachings, and to the Dharma masters for their compassion. I am also grateful to my parents for their support and kindness in raising me as a child. I am grateful to everyone for their help, to my children for their thoughtfulness and filial piety. Thanks to my eldest son Qin Xuan for helping me with the English translation.  I hope everyone will diligently practice during the upcoming Earth Store Bodhisattva seven-day session. I hope you all will be filled with joy in the Dharma, and swiftly attain Buddhahood together in the Western Pure Land. Namo Amitabha Buddha!