人生感言 My sensibility of a lifetime



(Illusional transformations may result in creations from none. The world of ultimate bliss actually offers the best opportunity.)


At the end of 2023, we made use of school winter break, my wife and I visited our homeland Malaysia to meet relatives and dharma friends. Three weeks just passed briskly. Probably in our senior age, we had seen tremendous world changes in this life and have lots of inner responses to it. First I briefly wrote them out in summary as below:





We have lived this very unique life,

Being unique people experiencing an unique era.

From all the ancient people and up to the present,

Have not experienced a hundred years of such tremendous changes.





Skyscrapers are erected all over,

But in just a brink of eyes they could collapse into a mound of earth.

Though illusional transformations may result in creations from none,

And yet witness all of that cannot bring along at death.





Life is but a drunken dream, that is the truth,

Yet to awaken from ignorance always is too late.

Clearly we were just getting together,

Yet waking up from a sleep we are thousands of miles apart.





Although we are distances apart by mountains and seas,

Transmission of secret messages is just a hand phone away.

Living a hundred years in Saha world is just a dream in journey,

The world of ultimate bliss would be our best opportunity.


We had lived this very unique life,

Being unique people experiencing an unique era.

From all the ancient people and up to the present,

Have not experienced a hundred years of such tremendous changes.


The tremendous speed of changes within last 100 years has not been witnessed in the history of old generations all along from the ancient time. It was connected with the world rapid industrialization, international competitions, industrial mass production, First World War and Second World War. It brought about the development of energy sources, discovery of electricity, electronics, and space exploration. From everything connected with clothings, foods, houses, transportations to war weapons, the tremendous speed of changes had not been seen in history or experienced by the ancients.


Skyscrapers are erected all over,

But in just a brink of eyes they could collapse into a mound of earth. Building of walls to fence out invaders was long outdated. In replacement are erected tall reinforced concrete skyscrapers. Though strong they are, with the sound of blast of missiles, they immediately turn down to be a mould of earth. These great destructive weapons that could turn a city into  a mass of ruins was not in the imagination of the ancients.


Though illusional transformations may result in creations from none,

And yet witness all of that cannot bring along at death. Within the last 100 years, the discovery of electricity has overthrown completely the world’s outlook. Imagine from the invention of telegraph communication, to the discovery of transistors, to the development of electronic chips, to the use of cell phones, to the introduction of quantum communication, and artificial intelligence, all those you can see appears almost illusionary. But it has nothing to help with human have to go through from birth to aging, to sickness, to death, nor can it help in leaving suffering to attain bliss.


Life is but a drunken dream, that is the truth, Yet to awaken from ignorance always is too late. Truly speaking, life is just like as short as a drunken dream. Though internet is just at every body’s finger tip, and Buddha Dharma is just a click away, yet most people are negligence about it, and stay put ignorance about life. At the last moment of life, it’s too late to get awaken.


Clearly we were just getting together, yet waking up from a sleep we were thousands of miles apart. Not long ago, clearly relatives and friends were happily getting together. Then, with airplane took off, and within the time of waking up from a sleep, already it was across the Pacific Ocean, and we were thousands of miles apart.


Although we are distances apart by mountains and seas,

Transmission of secret messages is just a hand phone away. In my younger days, I was fond of novels of martial arts.  Very often in the stories, there were highly skilled  martial artists able to communicate secretly by transmitting voices to each other that nobody else can hear. Yeah, now you don’t have to imagine any more, you don’t have to have those imaginary  arts, what you need is just a cellphone in your hand. You can do that even your friends are thousands of miles away.


Living a hundred years in Saha world is just a dream in journey, the world of Ultimate Bliss would be our best opportunity. Thus facing with this life journey of changes for about 100 years is as short as a dream. Thus it is more realistic to have a faith and vow made in reciting the Buddha’s name, preparing to rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Amitabha Buddha provide the best opportunity to end birth and death sufferings, and to attain ultimate bliss.



It’s said that it is necessary to be skillful in reciting the Buddha’s name that you are up to in a one mindfulness, then you can be for sure reborn in the Pure land. My understandings have three aspects.


The best accomplishment is your recitation can reach the  state of single mindfulness when reciting “Namo Amituofo” without any distracting thoughts.


My second understanding is your cultivation is to be single-minded on a single dharma door of faith and vow. You transfer your merits and virtues of your daily cultivations to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land without distraction, and as well as compassionately transfer this merits and virtues to all living beings.


To focus single mindedness without distraction is a way to counter your changing mind. For example, some people think that Western Pure Land is good and start to recite Amitabha Buddha’s name. The next day, he thought Eastern Lapis Lazuli Land is also good, he  then recite the name of Medicine Master Buddha, later he thought that Southern Buddha Land is also good, and then Northern Buddha Land is good too, and then the Buddha Land above, and then the Buddha Land below is good, and keep changing his mind. At the time he passes away, he faces the dilemma of which direction to choose. 


In reality, all Buddhas treat all living beings equally and will fulfill whichever faiths and vows they made. All Buddhas will not fight for disciples to be reborn in their lands. Instead, they will help to fulfill whichever vow you made. You just need to be firm in your faith and vow.


Therefore, if you have faith and vow in reciting Amitabha Buddha’s name, you can still do myriads of merits and virtues in respecting, offering, and bowing to Buddhas of the ten directions. Buddhas of the ten directions will definitely help to fulfill your faith and vow, just as mentioned in the Buddha speaks of Amitabha Buddha Sutra.


Therefore, single-mindedness in faith and vow in reciting Amitabha Buddha’s name is to prepare yourself at the moment of rebirth. Your faith and vow will be undisturbed, and at the moment Amitabha Buddha comes to take you, you will follow him to be reborn in the Pure Land.