沃果須(Barbara Waugh)居士2024年11月23日星期六晚間講於萬佛聖城大殿
I don’t think my ordinary mind can truly comprehend how Earth Store Bodhisattva (Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva) has benefitted my life. I encountered him in the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua’s teachings and through engaging in Buddhist practices such as recitation of the Earth Store Sūtra and reciting the Bodhisattva’s name. In the short time available I will mention a few things.
Encountering a Buddha is a difficult and rare thing, according to the sūtras. In my life, growing up in America in the 1950’s, there was no such thing. I was looking for answers I couldn’t find in science and was curious about religion.
I had questions that couldn’t be answered to my satisfaction by the Judeo-Christian traditions. For instance: After death, if one doesn’t go to Heaven for eternity, why does that mean one goes to Hell forever? How can someone be happy in Heaven knowing that there is no way out for those suffering unbearably in Hell? It seems too cruel. Surely people can learn from their mistakes, pay their debts, and change their ways.
My mother-in-law, Elizabeth Waugh, was raised as a vegetarian. Her parents were Theosophists. Their five children were life-long vegetarians. As a retired lawyer and a widow, my mother-in-law became ill and moved to Ukiah, in her late seventies, so my husband Ernie Waugh and I could help her. When she passed away at the age of 84, I recited the Earth Store Sūtra for her. I continued on, resolving to recite some part of the sūtra every day for three years for her sake. After three years I realized other people needed help so I continued cycling through the sūtra, a little at a time, every day when possible, starting over when I finished. At one point I thought, the sūtra says that through devotion to Earth Store, you can see where a relative has been reborn. That night I had a dream. Elizabeth had been reborn in the human realm and was having a very happy and auspicious life as a very confident girl.
我的家婆伊莉莎白·沃從小就吃素。她的父母是神智學家(證道學家),家裏的五個孩子一輩子都是素食者。作為一位退休律師和寡婦,我的家婆在七十多歲的時候生病了,於是她就搬到了瑜伽市,以便我和我的同修沃果必(Ernie Waugh)能照顧她。當她84歲去世時,我為她誦了《地藏經》。當時我決定每天要為家婆誦部分的《地藏經》經文,這樣持續了三年。三年後,我意識到其他人也需要幫助,於是我繼續每天盡可能地念《地藏經》,每次念一部分,這樣重復地念誦,誦完一部《地藏經》後,又從頭開始。有一次我想到,《地藏經》裏說,如果對地藏菩薩生起虔誠的心,我們就可以知道親戚往生後的去處(眷屬生界)。那天晚上,我做了一個夢,夢見家婆伊莉莎白已經投胎人間,過著非常幸福安康的生活,成了一位非常自信的女孩。
After decades of reciting the Earth Store Sūtra, I was happy to hear the Abbot, Dharma Master Heng Lyu, speak about Earth Store Bodhisattva on August 31st, the eve of the Earth Store Session this year. He made me realize how important the themes of filiality and karma were in the Earth Store Sūtra. I think that Karma is a concept of moral causality intrinsic to Buddhism. Simply stated, you create favorable or unfavorable conditions for yourself through your own wholesome or unwholesome past actions of body, mouth, and mind. One definition of wisdom, or prajñā, is understanding cause and effect. When you are creating bad karma for yourself, acting out of greed, anger, or confusion, you may be oblivious to the consequences. When things are not according with your wishes and you are suffering, you are asking, “Why is this happening to me? Is it Fate? An angry god punishing me? Pure randomness? Simply bad luck?
The workings of Karma, as described in Buddhist texts, can seem inexplicable. Not so in the Earth Store Sūtra, which was spoken by the Buddha to his mother, Lady Māyā, in the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven. Karma is spelled out in very concrete terms.
According to the VM Hua’s commentary, the “Sūtra Of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva was translated in the Tang Dynasty (from Sanskrit into Chinese) by Tripiṭaka Master Śīkṣānanda of Khotan.” Master Hua says, “all of Earth Store Bodhisattva’s vows are for the sake of filial piety.” (1974, p 22) I love the theme of devotion displayed to mothers in the sūtra. I had the benefit of being raised by a wonderful mother who lived to be 96 and never stopped teaching and helping me. After I met and took refuge with the VM, she did the same.
The VM Hua lectured the Earth Store Sūtra in 1968 and 1969. I first met him in 1970. The first English translation of the Sūtra, along with the VM’s commentary was published by the Sino American Buddhist Association in 1974. At some point before that I had asked the VM if there was some text I could translate. He handed me a Chinese copy of the Earth Store Sūtra. I was in school at UC Berkeley studying Chinese and Sanskrit. I was shocked. “Aiya,” I thought. “There’s no Sanskrit version and my Chinese is not up to this” I didn’t dare say anything. DM Heng Ching translated it with help from other disciples. It was the first English translation of the sutra published.
上人在1968年和1969年講解了《地藏經》。我第一次見到他是在1970年。《地藏經》的第一部英文翻譯版本和上人的淺釋,由中美佛教會於1974年出版。在那之前的某個時候,我曾問過上人是否有我可以翻譯的經文。他當時就遞給了我一本《地藏經》的中文本。我當時正在伯克萊大學念中文和梵文。我很震驚:「哎呀!」我心想,「沒有梵文版,而我的中文也還沒有達到這麽高的水平可以翻譯。」 但我不敢說什麼。但後來恒清法師在其他弟子的幫助下,翻譯了這部經文。這是《地藏經》首次出版的英文翻譯版本。
I think Shr Fu knew that I didn’t understand filiality. My family was having difficulties and I all but turned my back on them, until I found my Buddhist family. I think the VM understood that I couldn’t truly cultivate without understanding filial piety. It took me a while to understand. The Ven Master didn’t give up on me.
Recently, In Dharma Master Chih’s Śūraṅgama Mantra class, we learned that one of the lines in the Śūraṅgama Mantra contains a transliteration of Kṣitigarba Bodhisattva’s name. (Line 54: Na Mwo Qie She Ju La Ye) According to the VM’s commentary this line refers to the Northern Division of Amoghasiddhi Buddha, the Karma Division, and is associated with Earth Store Bodhisattva. This makes sense. Lady Māyā expressed compassion for beings suffering in the Hells. Thinking someone else’s suffering is just “their karma” is a dismissal of compassion. Earth Store doesn’t do this. He does not tire of using his extraordinary merit and virtue, wisdom and samādhi, to help even the most recalcitrant living being find the way out of suffering.
The Earth Store Sūtra lays out the Buddhist theory of karma in radically concrete terms. In Buddhism, karma is the underlying mechanism of morality that describes the workings of causality for sentient beings, and provides an opportunity for people to transform themselves and their circumstances in a world of impermanence. Earth Store Bodhisattva vows to help people entangled in the suffering generated by unwholesome past deeds, even the slow learners, even to the point of leading them out of the hells. The sūtra teaches methods to generate wholesome karma and merit through various practices including methods for mindfulness of Earth Store Bodhisattva.
The origin story of Earth Store Bodhisattva’s vows, occurs in Chapter One. A virtuous Brahman woman makes offerings to Enlightenment-Flower Samādhi Self-Mastery King Tathāgata, wanting to know where her recently deceased mother was reborn, and wanting to help her mother attain a good rebirth. As the Buddha relates to Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, she fears her mother’s bad habits may have caused her to be born in the lower realms and sells her house to make offerings. She gazes at the image of Enlightenment-Flower Samādhi Self-Mastery Buddha and suddenly hears his voice. Following his instructions, she finds herself in the hells, conversing with the ghost king, Poisonless, who tells her that her mother had been reborn in the hells. But her mother and others born there with her that day had been released and were experiencing bliss in the heavens, thanks to her daughter’s virtue and meritorious deeds. The Brahman woman awoke, as from a dream, and vowed that “until the end of future eons I will respond to beings suffering for their offenses by using many expedient devices to bring about their liberation.” She is now Earth Store Bodhisattva.
At the beginning of the Earth Store Sūtra, the Buddha emits light clouds and wondrous sounds. Included is the wondrous sound of dāna pāramitā. “Dāna” is Sanskrit for giving, the first pāramitā. To me, giving creates a fundamental movement in the attention of the heart-mind from selfishness to compassion. Filiality is a foundation for compassionate giving and an essential practice in the Earth Store Sūtra, an instruction manual for escaping the endless round of suffering in the Sahā world.