
桑親智(Adrian Samuelsberg) 居士2024年12月21日(星期六)晚間講於萬佛聖城大殿

My name is Adrian. Dharma name 親智. Originally I am from Norway, now I study here at the university (Dharma Realm Buddhist University). 


I feel very grateful to for this opportunity to practice with everyone this week. Already the session is over. It went by very quickly. I would like to thank everyone for making this possible, and for participating in the recitation. I feel very grateful to be able to be here, and to have come into contact with Master Hua’s field. 





大家晚安,阿彌陀佛! 我是李尊, 在中國出生長大,在洛杉磯度過了我人生最重要的歲月,目前在三藩市工作。今天非常殊勝有這個機會和大家結法緣。我接觸佛法的時間遠不如在座各位的時間長,所以今天分享的淺見,歡迎大家指正,或和我分享您的見解。

Good evening, everyone, Amituofo. I am Peggy Li. I was born and raised in China. I spent my most formative years in Southern California, and currently I am working in San Francisco. I’m honored for the special opportunity to give the Dharma talk tonight. I was only introduced to Buddhism recently, a far less time than a lot of you here, so I would appreciate if you could correct my entry-level thoughts or share your insights.




All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, Dharma Masters and Dharma friends, Amitofo !


My name is Zhenzi Lee. I was born in Korea. And I am living in L.A. I regularly participate in the Dharma assembly at Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles. I am very glad to share my experience at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) with everyone.



發菩提心 住菩薩道


阿彌陀佛,諸佛菩薩、師父上人、各位尊敬的法師、居士們,大家阿彌陀佛。 今天是恒揚在這裡跟大家結法緣。我十歲的時候學佛,第一個學佛的地方是一個佛教會,是居士辦的佛教會。 那個佛教會供奉觀世音菩薩。我在那邊學佛十一年後,二十一歲就跟隨上人出家。

All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, all Dharma Masters, all good-knowing advisors, and all laypeople, Amitabha. This is Heng Yang, and today it’s my turn to tie Dharma affinities with everyone. I started learning Buddhism when I was 10 years old, and at that time, I participated in a layperson’s Buddhist society, Proper Faith Society. This society specifically honored and respected Guanyin Bodhisattva. I was part of that society for eleven years until I was 21 years old, and then I followed the Venerable Master and left home under him.








裴親人(Natividad Familia Pereyra)2024年12月3日晚間講於萬佛聖城大殿

All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, Dharma masters, and all Dharma friends, good evening. Tonight is Jin Ren’s turn to tie Dharma affinity with everyone.

My name is Natividad Familia Pereyra (which means Family and Christmas) But my Dharma name is Jin Ren (Patience) I was born in a small country in the Caribbean islands called the Dominican Republic. (This country is near Cuba and Puerto Rico, we share the island with Haiti.)

諸佛菩薩、師父上人、各位法師、各位法友,大家晚安。今天晚上由親人在這裡和大家結法緣。弟子本名為 Natividad Familia Pereyra,意為「家庭」與「聖誕節」。弟子法名為親人,忍辱的忍。我生於加勒比海諸島之一的多明尼加共和國(Dominican Republic)。此國近古巴與波多黎各,與海地共居一島。



沃果須(Barbara Waugh)居士20241123日星期六晚間講於萬佛聖城大殿

I don’t think my ordinary mind can truly comprehend how Earth Store Bodhisattva (Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva) has benefitted my life. I encountered him in the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua’s teachings and through engaging in Buddhist practices such as recitation of the Earth Store Sūtra and reciting the Bodhisattva’s name. In the short time available I will mention a few things.





All buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, Dharma Masters, and all good knowing advisors. Amituofo!

My name is Lisa Tran and my Dharma name is Chin Chuan. I was invited today to share my experience after IGDVS and my connection to the Dharma.

I came to the girls school in 2011 and graduated back in 2015. I am originally from Germany but currently live in Houston, Texas. If I say anything that is not according to the Dharma, I hope you can compassionately correct me. 



若論佛法 一切現成

比丘尼近南法師 2024117日講於萬佛聖城大殿


I’d like to take this opportunity to share some stories from “The Style and Tradition of the Chan School” with everyone, and I hope they might be helpful for you during the 3-day Chan session later this month. These stories are the records of dialogues between Chan masters, fellow masters and their disciples.




All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, Dharma Masters and Dharma friends, Amituofo.


My name is Sophie Huang. My Dharma name is Qin Yuan. I came from China and have lived in the US for over 14 years. In March this year I took the 5 precepts in CTTB, because I finally consider myself a buddhist after two years of study in DRBU. But my journey to the Dharma was much longer than two years. In fact, it took me 40 years.





諸佛菩薩、師父上人、各位善知識: 今晚很高興,比丘尼恆哲在卡加利華嚴聖寺跟大家來結法緣,祝大家有一個很美好的晚上。那麼我今天只是想跟大家來談我的心得報告,就是說我們要在一切的境界裡面來成長。境界有哪些呢?境界基本上可以分成兩個部分,一個就是我們自己的心念,是在內心的。

All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Venerable Master, and all Dharma Masters, Amitabha. I’m really happy to be here today to speak with everyone. My name is Heng Je, and I’m speaking from Avatamsaka Monastery in Calgary (Canada). I hope everybody will have a good evening. So this would be a sort of report. I wanted to talk about states that we encounter and how we can grow from them and learn from them. There are different types of states, and so we can think of them as in two parts. One is the states within our minds — internally.
