
王欣平講於2010年10月8日星期五晚 萬佛城大殿  A talk given by Sharon Wang on October 8, 2010


Buddha, Bodhisattva, Venerable Mater, Dharma Mater, all good knowing advisers, teacher and students. My name is Sharon Wang. I am in 11 th grade from Developing Virtues Girl’s School. Amitabha!

如果我們說人生有80歲的話,在這80 年的人生中, 能有多少圓滿的事情發生呢?在平常人的生活中,人們總喜歡抱怨自己的人生是如何的沉悶,不圓滿, 即使有很好的工作和幸福的家庭,可是仍然無法滿足,我來聖城之前也是如此。

If we say there are eighty years for one’s life span, how many satisfying incidents can happen during these eight years? In our daily life, people always complain how their lives are plain, boring and dissatisfying; even though they have a high pay job and an adoring family, people still feel empty. My attitude toward life was as pessimistic as those people before I came to CTTB.


I always felt as if my life was never in my favor. I have a father who is handicapped, a mother who is annoyed by her own family, a brother who procrastinates (which is not a really something to be proud) and a sister who always insults me whenever she sees me. Besides my family, I was a yes- man girl. My grades were average in class. I did not have any attractive appearance or character. I admired those girls who are attractive and were surrounded by groups of people. Then I reflect myself: it was so depressing that I am not special at all. I never had enough confidence because I usually saw bad points in my characters. Day after day, I left no smile on my face. After I came to CTTB, my attitude toward life changed gradually.

2007年的夏天,我踏進這座小城的城門。當時,我腦海中不由自主地浮現兩個字- 簡陋。看盡大城市的繁華的我,這小城只顯然非常地的單調,當然,我當下對這裡的人做出了預測- 土包子! 然而,接下來在小城的的日子卻轉變了我的一生,開啟我的夢想,具體肯定我的存在。

The first time I stepped into the gate of CTTB was in the summer of 2007. At that moment, my head popped out a word unconsciously- primitive. CTTB seemed so simple and boring compared to the ostentatiously prosperous Taipei. Of course, I immediately made an assumption of the people here- a group of Buddhist hicks. However, the days I spent in CTTB changed my life to a brighter perspective; it aroused my dream, and built up my specialty.

座落在小城裡的學校,從外貌上,怎麼看在一點都不像一間學校,兩層樓的建築爬了些許的藤蔓在紅磚上,加上木頭格子的窗戶,開關都得使上吃奶的力氣不說,還會配上喀嘰喀機的音樂! 讓人有身置在在哈利波特城堡的感覺,所以說它是一所廢棄的建築老式建築,可能還比較令人相信吧! 在這所小學裡從幼稚園到高三,學生人數不超過一百人,肯定每個人的個性、身家……..大家都瞭若指掌吧! 老師當中,大多數也是修行人。在這小城得學生,不能交男女朋友,不能隨便上網,不能隨便外出,當時我真的懷疑自己是否真的待得下去?

The school in CTTB does not look like a school on the appearance: a two- floor building with some ivy crows on the wall; the wooden windows that made weird music when we try really hard to open it. This building is more like a discarded building rather than a school. In this school, there are approximately a hundred students only. For sure everyone knows each other really well. Among all the teachers, most of them are cultivators. During the school time, students cannot go on the internet, go out without permission, and the have a relationship with opposite gender.  When the school just started, I was wondering how would I survive in this kind of environment for one year?


In the beginning, I lacked confidence in myself.  However, after I had the interaction with the girls in the school, I started feeling that I have a really fortunate life. In the school, some the girls have a single family, but they never complain about it because they think that it is happiness. There was a girl, she is not as pretty as a movie star, but her confidence makes her appearance just like one of the people in Hollywood. After the few months in the school, I discovered my values as Sharon Wang; I am not a Yes- Man- Girl. I like to help people; I don’t like to reject others because I feel guilty for not helping. I live in a more confident and happier  way than before. I don’t feel embarrassed about my family anymore. Even though my dad is a handicapped, he works really hard to give me a better education in America; my mother is a really good mother because we are always the first priority in her heart; even though my brother procrastinates all the time, but he is a considerate person who does his duty as a brother very well; I know I do not get along with my sister, but she taught a really important lesson in my life, which is “ Do unto others as others unto you.” I feel my life is no longer dissatisfying, instead, I have the brightest life compared to others.


Gradually, I discovered the beauty of CTTB. During these three years, I learned the values and the calmness which I have never known before. Through meditation and Buddhist classes, I learned that I should solve a problem in a more rational point of view, and how to self control and understand our desires through our most original conscious.  Also, I learned how to respect others and all living things, because this is the respect toward one’s self. When I learned that we have desires because we have false thinking, I know I should not expect to much on myself and other in any difficulties. In the CTTB, my dream of being a volunteer doctor in third world country was supported. This is the first time I realize that I did not dream about an impossible mission. It is the most meaningful decision I have made in my life. In school, the cultivating teachers built up my confidence and hope by letting me know I am special. I can be the brightest star in the crowd. My life will be full of meanings because everyone is special, therefore, so am I.


Dharma Master Sheng Yan once has said, “ if the mountain does not turn, the road will turn;if the road does not turn, the person will turn;if the person does not turn,the mind will turn” . As lone as we have the right attitude toward our life; there is no such thing as dissatisfaction.  Everything is satisfaction.

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