
比丘尼近瀚講於2023年10月12日星期四晚 萬佛聖城大殿


Compassionate venerable master, all dharma masters, and all good knowing advisors.

This is Jin Han. Tonight, my topic is about the importance of promoting vegetarianism, and the Jyun Kung Vegetarian Restaurant inside the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. 


First, I would like to share a talk by the Venerable Master regarding the difference between vegetarianism and meat-eating.



The Master explained the difference between vegetarianism and meat-eating:

Nowadays, humankind’s killing karma is pervasive, so there are countless natural and man-made disasters, strange and complicated diseases, and strange diseases that cannot be cured by medicine. Due to the deviation and divergence of scientific development, the air, rivers, seas, and land are all filled with toxins. Birds and animals, and even all trees, melons, and fruits are also infected with toxins. People do not know that many animals already contain toxins, but they still eat meat. The toxins are transferred to the human body. Toxins inherent in the human body coalesce with external toxins, causing various chemical changes, leading to cancer and other strange diseases. The ancients said it very well: “For thousands of years, the enmity and injustice has been as deep as the sea. If you want to know the tribulations in the world, just listen to the sound of slaughterhouses in the middle of the night.” There is another verse: “There are two people in the word meat, the outside person covers the inside person. Living beings also eat the flesh of living beings; consider carefully it is just people eating people.” Living beings kill each other and eat each other, resulting in the debt of blood, and the disasters of wars will never end. Therefore, it is said: “If people in the world want to be free from the calamity of wars, they must avoid eating meat.”


This talk was given in Vancouver, Canada, on April 15. 1989. It was  33 years ago.  let’s look at our world today, the disasters are increasing. Human’s killing Karma didn’t improve for the better.


“君康” 的名字,是上人取的。全名是"君康真素齋。“  上人還為 君康 寫了 一首偈 誦 。  偈 誦 是這樣的 :「 君 心 仁慈,禪 悦 為食。 康 泰 平安 , 法喜 充滿。 」 

The establishment and development of Jyun Kung Vegetarian Restaurant:

Jyun Kung’s name was given by the Master. The full name is Jyun Kung True Vegetarian.

The Master also wrote a verse for Jyun Kung. The verse goes like this!

 “With a benevolent heart, may you take Dhyana Bliss for food.

Staying safe and healthy, may you be full with the joy of Dharma.”

上人在1990年的時候去台灣,他親口交代他的一位皈依弟子,要她來萬佛聖城做素食,開素食館。後來,沒有多久因緣成熟了,她辭去工作來到美國。君康也就在1991年7月開業。當時她已經47歲了。基於使命感,她一刻也不敢忘記上人對她的交代,要把君康當做是自己的來做,要平價、要人人都吃得起、賺少少的。 她也對自己說,人們都認為吃素不夠營養。但是,她決心一定要把素食做得好吃又營養來幫助人們來吃素。

In 1990, the Master went to Taiwan. He told one of his disciples to come to the US to open a vegetarian restaurant. Soon after, the causes and conditions mature. This disciple quit her job, and moved to the US.  Jyun Kung opened in July, 1991. At that time, she was already 47 years old.

Based on a sense of mission. She dare not forget the Master’s instructions for a moment to do

Jyun Kung  as her own. To have a fair price, everyone can afford it and earn a little..

She also said to herself that most people think being a vegetarian wouldn’t be healthy & nutritious enough. Therefore, she made up her mind to make healthy and tasty vegetarian food to help people to be vegetarian.



Although, things were difficult at the beginning. There were only a few dishes on the menu. People living outside and nearby neighbors did not dare to come to eat. Some people thought people inside were eating dead cats and dogs! When they heard the sound of a peacock’s cry, they would think the kid got beaten. Even if no one came, or only one customer, Jyun Kung would still remain open.


慢慢地,君康的名聲與口碑,就像一傳十, 十傳百那樣子傳了出去了!有一天,有一位牧師來吃飯,他吃的覺得很好吃,就說要帶他的家人也來吃。後來,君康的常客也多了。甚至於,有的常客熟了,還沒有進門,君康的工作人員就開始為客人準備配菜了!


Determination, patience, and faith made things better! Slowly,  Jyun Kung ‘s good reputation started to spread. One pass to ten, ten to a hundred. One day, there was a priest who came to eat in the restaurant. He felt the food was very good, so he said he would bring his family to come to eat. As time went on, there were more return customers. Sometimes, the Jyun Kung workers got to know some customers so well that they didn’t need to wait for the customers to sit down and started to prepare the dishes for them already! Once, a customer gave a suggestion for a dish after he ate. He said that such such a dish tastes good, but if you add something to it, it will make the dish better! So, the worker took the customer’s suggestion and made that dish tastier!


如果食物是以關愛的心去準備,或是以馬虎的心態來準備,吃的人都可以感受的到 的 !

還有一次,有一個客人說,吃了君康的包子,覺得做的人很有愛心。又聽說了一個故事,有一個人去一家餐廳吃飯,那個人就問服務人員,今天你們的廚師是不是在吵架!結果是 “是的!”這就說明,我們的善心念、惡心念、高興的、或是不高興的心念,是可以借著食物來傳達的!

The importance of the mind! If a food was carefully prepared or carelessly prepared, the people who eat it can feel it! There was a customer who said that when he ate a J K’s steamed bun, he could actually feel the caring of the person who made the bun! Another story I heard was someone eating in a restaurant in Italy, he asked if the chef had fought? The answer was “Yes!” These two stories proved that our minds can send out “energy” through food.


Today, this Jyun Kung’s pioneer has already become a Sangha member of the DRBA. She worked tirelessly from 1991 till 2003. She had to quit her job due to her body’s extreme aches and pain, and lack of physical strength. During the first few years, she and her husband worked together to develop more dishes.  Jyun Kung begins with 7/8 dishes to 40 dishes!  Plus, the frozen foods to sell to different branches which have helped and facilitated many people to have clean and delicious vegetarian food. Another mother told me not long ago that her three children all grew up eating Jyun Kang’s steamed buns for breakfast.



Regardless of her body aches and pain, she didn’t let it bother her. She only wanted to get the job done. Reach her mission. She appreciated the Master giving her the opportunity to start the  Jyun Kung Restaurant, and be able working in the Way-place. She only worked with a joyful mind! She also said Jyun Kung is not an ordinary store like outside! We represent Buddhists, we represent City of Ten Thousand Buddhas! We do not tie bad affinity with animals! While promoting vegetarianism, the Buddha Dharma also spread at the same time!


這麼多年來,由於許多的人到來,也因此有機會踏入我們的萬佛殿,瞻仰到令人莊嚴肅穆的佛 像 ,同時也有機會請到上人的法寶。真的就是讓人吃素的同時,佛法也推廣出去了!

Before the pandemic, Jyun Kang received many positive reviews online. Many people come not only from the good reputation but also come from far away. I even once met a female western customer who flew all the way from out of state to California just to have lunch in Jyun Kang! Over the years, many people have come and have had the opportunity to step into our Buddha Hall, admire the solemn Buddha statues, and also have the opportunity to receive the Master’s dharma treasure. It really means that while people come in to eat vegetarian food, Buddhism is also promoted at the same time!

由此可知 , 在萬佛聖城開君康素食館,也是上人善巧方便度衆生的方式之一!


上人致力於道場的建立,曾說過 “道埸是給所有的佛教徒預備的,是給所有的宗教徒預備的,是給世間所有的眾生預備的。” 

上人也曾說 ”我們無論在那個國家,都要幫助那個國家平安、幸福。“



From this we can see that opening Jyun Kang Vegetarian Restaurant in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is also one of the Master’s skillful and expedient ways to save sentient beings!  In the seventh volume of the Avatamsaka Sutra and the fourth volume of The Coming into Being of Worlds, it is mentioned how Buddhas and Bodhisattvas save sentient beings. As the saying goes, “If you want to cause people to enter the Buddha’s wisdom, first, bait the hook with something they like.” 

While the master devoted himself to establish Way-Places, he said that the Way-Places are prepared for the use of all Buddhists, for the use of members of all religions, and for the use of all living beings in the world! He also said that “No matter what country I am in, I want to help that country to be peaceful and prosperous. “

May we all work together to support proper Dharma and promote vegetarianism.
