
顏亞日講於2012年9月3日星期一晚於 萬佛城大殿  A talk give by Agis Gan on Sept 3 (Monday), 2012 at Buddha Hall of CTTB

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I have personally experienced many different responses with the Venerable Master. Tonight I will only talk about my experience in 1987. When Venerable was still alive, he instructed all his disciples to tell the assembly the responses they have. He also encourages publishing the responses in theVajraBodhiSea. The ‘87 response I am telling was published in VBS. Tonight I am going to make it more elaborate.


In 1987, it was my first pilgrimage with the Malaysian delegation to CTTB. There were seventy over members in the delegation. Some of the members were Venerable old disciples. The flight transited inHong Kong. It took more than 10 hours to fly from Hong Kong toSan Francisco. A movie was broadcasted in the plane. During that era, movie was screened on the TV for all the passengers. When the movie was over, the hostesses asked the passengers to scroll down the window and the main lighting was off. I laid my body down, and tried to sleep but couldn’t. So I just closed my eyes. After quite some time, I suddenly saw Venerable walked into the plane with a young bhikshu behind him. I was so happy, I thought we must have arrived, and Venerable Master had come aboard to welcome us. I opened my eyes, it was only a dream. The plane was still flying, and the members of the delegation were lying on their seats. I whispered to my neighbor Mr. Lai I dreamed of Venerable came aboard to welcome us. He said, we are not there yet. You must be thinking of Venerable. He went to sleep again. It was reasonable. This was my first trip on board of a plane, and I didn’t know that passengers would be welcomed after they came out of the immigration check.

我1983年皈依師父是經過書信連絡,得到師父回信允許的.我從來沒有直接面對面見過師父,在飛機上是我第一次面對面見到師父,而且是在夢中出現.那位年輕的比丘,我從來也沒見過他 .奇怪的是,來到萬佛聖城後,我真的見到了那位比丘.而且,是他帶我一起整理世界宗教會議的禮堂,地點就在現在的戒壇樓下.我問他是那裏人,是怎樣在師父座下出家的?他告訴我說,他是馬來西亞人,他讀完高中後,就想來萬佛聖城跟師父出家.可是,父母親都不答應,把他送到澳洲去讀大學.他飛到澳洲後,大學都沒去報到,就馬上買機票飛來美國拜見師父,跟師父出家.我問,你父母親就答應了嗎?他說,他們只好答應了.我沒想到世界上有這樣的事,有這樣的人.我說我對他非常的敬佩,他卻說,沒什麼,那是緣份.我和這位比丘還蠻有緣,以後我在1992年吉隆坡的萬佛寶懺還和他碰面.你們說,為何師父在夢中帶那位比丘一起來?我以為師父是要告訴我,夢境是真的,是不可思議的感應。那位年輕比丘是誰呢?等以下如果有時間在談.

I had never seen the Venerable face to face. Earlier.In 1983, I mailed in my request to take refuge with him, and he accepted my request through the mail. On board of the plane, it was the first time Venerable appeared in front of me, and was in my dream. That particular young bhikshu I also had never seen him before. The strange thing was this young bhikshu was real; I met him personally in CTTB. Moreover, he led me around to arrange the hall for the World Religion Conference which was located at the first floor of the precepts platform building. Thus I had the chance to ask him where was he from, and how had he became a monk under Venerable? He said that he is a Malaysian. When he graduated from high school, he wanted to come to CTTB to be a monk. But his parents disapproved. They sent him toAustraliato study in university. When he arrived inAustralia, he never reported to the university. Instead, immediately, he purchased a plane ticket to fly to US to meet the Venerable and ordained to be a monk. Did your parents approve it, I asked? Well, they approved under that circumstance. I never thought such thing could have happened on earth, and there could have such a person. I told him, I admired you deeply. He just took my word lightly, and said it was affinity. I actually have very good affinity with him. I met him again inKuala Lumpurin 1992 during the Ten Thousands Buddhas Repentance. At this point, what do you think, why did Venerable Master brought him along in my dream? I think the Venerable wanted to tell me that the dream was real. It was an inconceivable response. Who was that young bhikshu? If there is time later, I will talk about him.


When we arrived at CTTB, it was in the afternoon. I get down from the bus and noticed that at the space where we have the big tent now was erected two tall polls, one on the left and one on the right; one is hanged down with a tall red banner while the other was hanged down with a chain of red lanterns. In front of the Patriarch hall was hanged many red lanterns below the roof. In the atmosphere that filled with dharma joys, we walked into the A/O. I was arranged to stay in annex 4 at the Great Compassion House. We took our lunch at the big dining hall, and later during evening time, we joined the long line of assembly of sanghas and lay people to circum-ambulate the Buddha hall and premises to purify the boundary.


After the evening ceremony that night, Venerable came to the Buddha Hall and walked around the hall. When he came in front of me, I went forward, kneeled down, put my palms together, and talked to him, “Shifu, I amGwoRifromMalaysia.” He smiled at me and said, “I know you. Your family name is Yan.” I was taken away; Venerable could even remember my family name, considering he has hundreds of thousands of disciples. I was still taken away and idling there. He smiled and smiled again, murmured “enh” and then continued to walk around. When I think back now, I realize that it was the manifestation of the power of his 18 great vows. His vows can be summarized as; if you are his disciple, or if you are any living being having affinity with him, he vowed to cross you over to become a Buddha, until otherwise when all become Buddha with no one left out, he would not become a Buddha himself.  Thus, he remembers everyone, disciples and all with infinity, everyone’s first name and last name.


During this Water Land Air Dharma Assembly, Venerable invited more than 70 bkihshus from mainlandChina. The delegation was led by Elderly Senior Monks such as Venerable Ming Yang and others. Venerable Master respected them highly by praising that they auspiciously are the resemblance of “the dragons within the dharma door”. About half of the delegation is made up of young bkihshus. The young bkihshus told us that they had never met a venerable patriarch who is so virtuous that he would bow to young monks like us. We are totally moved. Responsively, we automatically bowed back in return.


A middle aged bishu by the name Dharma Master Miao Zan told me that everything here in CTTB inconceivable. The water in CTTB is from the mouth of a dragon.


During the assembly session, Venerable Master wound present himself in person so that the members of the assembly always have the opportunity to draw close to him. Every lunch offering, Venerable will be on his high seat with the assembly. When he completed his meal, he would make instructional talk to the assembly. He would also invite the monks from mainland to talk. In the middle of dharma joy one day, Venerable instructed that I like to let you know; together we have to open up a smooth path-way for the propagation of proper dharma in the west so that the people in the future will be able to continue to walk the way. We should never plant thorny plants along the path and make it difficult for the people to walk in the future.


After every evening ceremony, the assembly will walk to the Wonderful Word Hall. Venerable would drive his golf cart there, and wait for the assembly at the entrance. The assembly would respectfully reciting Buddha’s name along and move to the seats. Every week there were 2 sessions taught by Venerable Master himself, in learning to match couplet. He would write the first verse and the members of the assembly would be given opportunity to match the second verse. It then followed that Venerable would instruct how well matching was. He would show why one verse was good or how the other was not according to the correct pattern in the couplet. On other days, Venerable would introduce the elderly and virtuous sanghas fromChina, and invited them to present dharma talk. At other time, Upasika Men Yu Ping was called upon to speak about the 5 elements.

有一晚,大眾由妙語堂回大殿時,我在妙語堂門口跪著問師父,“師父,我能為萬佛聖城做些什麼呢?” 師父上人回答說,“不要只想為萬佛聖城做什麼,也不要只想為我做什麼,你應該想能為佛教做什麼。” 從那時我就明白師父的心是無私的,他希望弟子們的心也是一樣無私,做什麼都要為佛教著想。

One night, when the assembly walked back to the Buddha Hall, I kneeled down before Venerable at the entrance of Wonderful Word Hall, and asked him, “Shi Fu, What can I do for CTTB?” Venerable answered, “You shouldn’t just think of doing things for CTTB or doing things for me, you should think of doing things for Buddhism.” From there I realized that Venerable is totally selfless. He wishes all his disciples are also selfless. Whatever one is doing, always think about how his action affects Buddhism.


The assembly was sublimely adorned. There were 7 different dharma platforms. Venerable bought 10 large fans for the purpose of cooling the main Buddha Hall because it was summer and hoping that the assembly would be able to bow in the Emperor Liang Repentance comfortably. Although it was summer, the strange thing was there was cool wind and the weather was unexpectedly cool. The Buddha Hall was cool enough that there was no need for the fans. On the second day of the assembly and during lunch Venerable announced that because everyone is so sincere, the dharma protectors, gods and dragons were here to protect the way place. They helped to regulate the weather so that it is comfortable for all the participants to bow to the Buddhas. If everyone remains sincere in the recitation and bowing, the weather will remain cool. Consequently, it was until the session was over then the weather become hot again.


At the completion of the dharma assembly, most of the members of the Malaysian delegation continued their excursion to somewhere. I stayed back for the First World Religion Conference. I was the only one left staying in annex 4. Dharma Master Heng Gong asked me if I would like to move to annex 1. I told him that I am okay in there. He said if you are not afraid being alone, that will be fine. At that moment, I did not find out why he asked me if I would like to move. It was in 1992 that I heard people saying that the place was haunted because normally, there were very few people there, and it was disserted and quite. Anyway, I made an auspicious dream that night.  In the dream, I was in a wood of pine trees. Many bhikshus are assembled row after row like in the Buddha Hall. They were wearing robes and sashes of the same colors as present. They walked forward in front of us, the lay people. And then I heard the sound of a large bell and woke up. In 1987, our sangha members wore a different color robes and sashes compared with now. If you look at the old photographs you would notice this. I didn’t know where the pine trees wood was until 1992 when I came to CTTB again. I stayed at the Horse Whining House and then realized that the wood I dreamed was just behind there. And behind the wood was the proposed location for the Wonderful Enlightened Monastery. Thus, up to today, I am confident that one day, the Wonderful Enlightened Monastery will be up.
